This 2000 American biographical sports drama film, which Jerry Bruckheimer produced, features real-life athletes, including Gerry Bertier and Julius Campbell. The story follows a group of previous ...
“Well, it’s pretty cool.” Recently, Zahra had a memorable meeting with Coach Campbell, who gave her a surprise gift—a friendship bracelet. “I gave her a friendship bracelet and she gave ...
Dan Campbell spoke Monday morning in Allen Park at his news conference for the final time of the season, after the Detroit Lions squandered homefield advantage Saturday night in the NFC playoffs ...
After Edwards shot the 3 with time winding down, Julius Randle could be seen on ESPN's cameras making his way towards the locker room. A review had held up the final inbounds play, but Randle was ...
On his NFL playing days: “I hoped I could be Mark Bavaro. But I was never Mark Bavaro.” On his first head-coaching stint as an interim with the Miami Dolphins: “I remember thinking, man, I ...
Detroit Lions head coach Dan Campbell knows something about the New York Giants' inner workings and philosophies. After all, he began his NFL career as a third-round draft pick out of Texas A&M ...
Dan Campbell, as we know, is a man of many colorful words over the years. But after a crushing loss to the Washington Commanders on Saturday night to send the No. 1 seed in the NFC home ...
He’s a nice guy overall and harmless. It’s just that the friendship doesn’t add value to my life. It hasn’t since the beginning, and I have tried, but for a while now, my spending time ...