Flanking the X-Men animated series in the #2 spot is Ms. Marvel, the MCU debut for the beloved Iman Vellani, which scored 98% from critics but a slightly lower 80% rating from audiences on the ...
Iman Vellani won the role of Kamala Khan, aka Ms Marvel, in an open casting Critics have hailed the release of Ms Marvel, Disney's first on-screen Muslim superhero story, as a "joyful" slice of ...
Maung’s Meanwhile in Jersey City mural stands around the corner from an elementary school. Its inscription reads: “This mural ...
The Ms. Marvel title has referred to several different ... covering the entertainment industry, including film reviews, television recaps, awards season, the box office, major movie franchises ...
Marvel Zombies marks the latest MCU project to hold a TV-MA rating, following the recent miniseries ... Yelena Belova, Red Guardian, Ms. Marvel, and Kate Bishop. Of this cast, one confirmed ...
But Ms Marvel, which features a teenage Muslim superhero, seems to be changing the discourse. The line - spoken by Sana, the grandmother of the show's heroine Kamala Khan - refers to the 1947 ...