There are currently seven seasons of the My Hero Academia anime series, with an eighth and final season currently in production and expected to premiere in late 2025, along with four feature films ...
Despite being highly divisive, the finale brought new momentum to the series and even more attention. The author, Kohei ...
Accumulation type quirks are some of the most rare powers in My Hero Academia. Here's a look at the intricacies of these ...
For years, many shonen fans believed that the My Hero Academia spin-off series, Vigilantes, would never receive its own ...
If you are curious about the My Hero Academia Vigilantes anime, find out key details like the release date, studio, voice actors, and more here.
Vigilantes's highly awaited anime adaptation has finally revealed a release date along with a new exciting trailer.
Vigilantes will be making its anime debut this Spring, and a new trailer is showing off more of what to expect ...