With a burgeoning consumer electronics industry the price of a new TV quickly dropped to the ... Die] has assembled a small black-and-white CRT TV from a kit he found on AliExpress.
A Samsung SyncMaster 793s from local markets, fully functional! Classic PC games like DOOM and Quake look superb on CRT ...
Having recently taken the plunge and purchased my first CRT TV in over 20 years, I first spent a silly amount of time researching things that I either never knew, or had forgotten over the decades.
He doesn’t say where the new CRT came from, but we’re guessing it was a late model TV as CRTs made over the last few decades are more interchangeable than might be expected. There’s a moment ...
An earlier large-screen TV that employed several technologies to generate the image. Rear-projection TVs (RPTVs) were developed to extend the size of the CRT TV, which for practical purposes maxed ...
A TV picture tube (CRT) that had a flatter viewing surface than the traditional rounder tube. Up to 30% more glass was used to make the screen flatter. Also known as a "flat screen," "flat face ...
Designed as a joint project between Sega, CSK and Fuji Television, the Divers 2000 Series CX-1 was an iMac-esque device that featured a Dreamcast inside a 14-inch CRT TV. Only 200 of the systems ...