If you're worried about your student loan payments, program or forgiveness options, there are steps you can take now.
Connecticut will offer qualifying residents up to $5,000 a year for up to four years to help them pay off their loans.
"My outstanding student loan balance is around £5k and I'm repaying it with a 4.3% interest rate. I can't decide whether it ...
Student loans can lead to a significant financial burden. Learn the best tips to lower your student loan payments.
Paying off student loans can feel like running a marathon - slow, steady, and often exhausting. For law school graduates, the weight of debt is especially heavy, with the average l ...
The share of businesses choosing to offer a 401(k) plan match based on student loan payments is slowly increasing due to a ...
For borrowers relying on SAVE and other programs who can no longer count on student loan forgiveness, now's the time for you ...
For many people, the goal at the end of their career is to retire completely debt-free. This means no more monthly loan ...
The Department of Education is scheduled to open applications for two older repayment plans next week to provide more options for borrowers stuck in limbo.
President Joe Biden sought ways to make student debt relief permanent during his four years in office. Not all of them worked ...
After you've paid off your credit card debt, begin making extra student loan payments. Just follow up with your loan provider to make sure it applies the extra money to your principal, rather than ...