Title: Celebrating Thanksgiving as an Indigenous Person Last Thursday, Nov. 28, was Thanksgiving, a holiday where you spend ...
Modern Thanksgiving dinners often feature turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. However, the original Thanksgiving feast ...
Growing up, Thanksgiving was always — by far — my favorite holiday on the American civic calendar. It still is today. And while I have fond memories of playing football on Thanksgiving Day with ...
As we gathered for Thanksgiving, it’s easy to take abundance for granted. Leftovers were practically guaranteed. It wasn’t always this way. For most of history, there were no Thanksgiving feasts.
The roots of our uniquely American celebration of Thanksgiving are traced back to when the Pilgrims set sail for America on Sept. 6, 1620, and for two months, braved the Atlantic Ocean.  We remember ...
Thanksgiving Day is an American holiday that traditionally began with the Pilgrims in 1620-21 as they were indeed thankful to be alive after they survived that first harsh winter in ...
Thanksgiving feasts have been an integral part of American tradition and culture since the first gathering of the Wampanoag ...
The Native American Wampanoag tribe was crucial to the Pilgrims’ survival, teaching them to cultivate crops and providing aid ...
This Thanksgiving week, many of us have enjoyed time off, time with family, good food, cooler weather, football, shopping — ...
By Doug Creamer Last weekend, the temperatures dropped below freezing, thus ending my gardening season. I worked to pick the remaining treats and clean out the garden. I got some green tomatoes that I ...
Thanksgiving has become one of the most cherished holidays in the United States, steeped in tradition, gratitude and shared ...
People descended onto Cole's Hill in Plymouth to “honor Indigenous ancestors and Native resilience” during a National Day of ...