The vast and expansive Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise has recruited countless actors into its ranks. But the MCU isn't ...
Dear Santa is one of 2024’s most interesting Christmas movies so far, following a young boy who accidentally sends his ...
Tropic Thunder star and director Ben Stiller has confirmed what many movie fans have long believed: there's no way that the ...
As explained by People , the 2008 satirical comedy film featured Downey Jr. as Kirk Lazarus, a White Australian method actor ...
I think that a lot of people are accusing this generation – whatever they mean by “this generation” – of being too woke and ...
Over the years, Stiller and Downey Jr. have stood by the controversial film, which also received backlash for its ...
I don’t even know if I would have ventured to do it, to tell you the truth. I’m being honest,” Stiller said of making the ...
Ben Stiller believes that Robert Downey Jr.’s character in Tropic Thunder would’ve gone over well if the film were made today ...
“I make no apologies for Tropic Thunder,” he tweeted in 2023 in response to a fan who told him to stop apologizing for making the film. “Don’t know who told you that. It’s always been a ...
In the post, he included a screenshot of a headline, which read: “Ben Stiller says woke America killed ‘edgier’ comedy,” alongside a photo of Stiller’s Tropic Thunder character.
“Even at the time, of course, it was dicey too.” Stiller stars in a scene from Tropic Thunder, on which he was also director. Picture: Paramount Stiller concluded his comments on Tropic ...