How much will you be reimbursed after going to the doctor? When you see a doctor, the amount of the reimbursement varies according to several criteria: coordinated care pathway, discipline ...
This ruling is expected to allow hospitals to receive reimbursement for using Tempus’ ECG-AF to help identify patients at increased risk of AF. Earlier this year, Tempus received 510(k ...
A new study assessing provincial and territorial variations in reimbursement criteria of drug coverage for patients covered by Canada's public pharmacare programs for two common cardiovascular ...
NATURE OF PROPOSED CHANGES: Due to current projected budget limitations, the Department will only be applying COLAs on January 1, 2025, that are required by federal law. Other COLA adjustments will be ...
The company also received reimbursement coverage from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (“CMS”) for the use of TETRANITE to replace metal plates and screws. Previously, RevBio received FDA ...