The Super Mario Bros. Super Show is certainly unique. The animated show, which aired back in 1989, opened with live action segments starring Captain Lou Albano and Danny Wells as Mario and Luigi, ...
Sebastian Maniscalco appeared as Spike in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, but the comedian doesn't feel confident about a sequel appearance.
The Super Mario Bros Movie was one of the biggest hits of 2023, and yet, one of its actors doesn't think he'll be in the ...
This rumor about the Luigi beanie wasn't the only claim circulating about the Mario-companion Nintendo character following ...
If you’ve recently played Mario & Luigi: Brothership, then chances are you might have noticed something rather familiar with ...
Mario has had many power-up transformations that don't get enough time in the spotlight, from the Ice Flower to the Wing Cap.
From Super Mario’s Luigi to Sopranos jokes, internet turns alleged shooter Luigi Mangione into a viral Italian meme.
Exclusive: One of the stars of 2023's The Super Mario Bros. Movie offers a candid response to the chances of their returning ...
Brothership! Learn why it was chosen from over 100 brainstormed subtitles and delve into the game's exciting features.
If you're looking for a gift idea this Christmas for your friend or family member who adores Mario, look no further.
Memes also pointed out other killers who were glorified in media in one way or another, including Kyle Rittenhouse, the ...