The main story follows Kate five years after facing tragedy when one of her friends (Anthony Ramos’ Javi) asks her to go back ...
Twisters Doesn’t Need To ... she meets Glen Powell’s charismatic Tyler, an internet sensation of a storm chaser who has his own team alongside Kate and Javi’s. While I came into Twisters ...
In 2024’s Twisters, Anthony Ramos plays Javi, a character that many thought was secretly smitten by Daisy Edgar-Jones’ Kate.
It’s almost time for turkey! It’s also almost time for the universally accepted media catchup week, which is good, because ...
Chief among the latter is Hit Man's Glen Powell as Tyler Owens, a YouTube star famous for his cowboy persona and twister-chasing bravado. A romance will inevitably spark between Kate and Tyler ...
Well, Twisters heard you. You’ll know why after you watch the first 15 minutes of the film. Outside of that, the chemistry between Daisy Edgar-Jones’ Kate and Glen Powell’s Tyler carries the ...
From The Substance to Deadpool and Wolverine and Furiosa and Conclave these are the best movies of 2024 according to Dexerto.