Following his first full year on the job, Citi Wealth Head Andy Sieg is seeing his compensation rise by 15% to roughly $13 ...
Citigroup Inc. had what looked like the perfect way to grab a slice of the money flowing from wealthy individuals to private ...
Citi's poor technology is well known on Wall Street, but wealth boss CEO Andy Seig hopes to gain ground with this new hire ...
The hires, meant to shore up a division that has not been as tech-forward as leadership would like, have included Morgan ...
Dipendra Malhotra, former head of analytics, AI and data at Morgan Stanley's wealth unit, will help drive technology ...
Citigroup Inc. almost shifted about $6 billion to a customer’s account by accident after a staffer handling the transfer copied and pasted the account number into a field for the dollar figure.
Andy Sieg, which was seen by Reuters. Sign up here. Cayman Wills will serve as interim head of the business until Biotti starts, Sieg wrote. Citigroup veteran Ida Liu, who led the global private ...
Biotti will join Citi in late May from Bank of America, where he most recently served as an executive for its Northeast division, according to a memo from Citi's head of wealth, Andy Sieg ...
Biotti will join Citi in late May from Bank of America, where he most recently served as an executive for its Northeast division, according to a memo from Citi's head of wealth, Andy Sieg, which was ...