US alarm regarding an invasion has grown since the deadly explosion attacks in Lebanon with a senior defense official sharing ...
Unable to achieve a strategic victory against Hezbollah, Israel has resorted to a miniaturised form of weapons of mass ...
UNGA resolution, backed by 124 countries, makes it clear that occupation ‘cannot be allowed to continue any longer’.
After nearly a year of suffering and grievous losses, most Israelis and Palestinian Arabs will likely observe the anniversary of the war started by Hamas on Oct. 7 with sorrow. But not everyone. An ...
Perhaps that is why, in private conversations, almost no one we talk to—not other analysts, diplomats, or ...
We must not allow ourselves to be numbed into indifference by this ongoing campaign of misinformation and selective reporting ...
There were 124 votes in favor, 14 against and a notable 43 abstentions, with the Palestinian delegation heralding the adoption as "historic" ...
The legal complaint said the school violated students' First Amendment rights when it prevented the local SJP chapter from holding its own events on Oct. 7.
In this week's letters to the editor, our readers are mad about an op-ed, a misconception about Mary Shelley — and more!
In recent days, Israel has moved a powerful fighting force up to the northern border, officials have escalated their rhetoric ...
A legal expert warns that Israel's departure from the West Bank could allow Iran to step in and establish a control similar ...
Despite her pro-democracy rhetoric, Harris falls short in offering a better alternative to Trump on the Gaza-Israel debate, ...