In a rare move, The Assembly, which aired as a one-off on the BBC last year featuring Michael Sheen and a wealth of viral moments, has been snapped up by ITV for a four-part series version.
ITV has announced it will launch new show The Assembly following a BBC pilot featuring actor Michael Sheen earlier this year. Each episode will see a different celebrity face questions from a ...
The Assembly was produced by Rockerdale Studios, and is set to air on ITV1, ITVX, STV, and STV Player. Originally piloted on the BBC with actor Michael Sheen as the celebrity interviewee ...
The Assembly first aired in the UK to critical acclaim earlier this year as a 30-minute BBC pilot featuring actor and director Michael Sheen who later said, “ The Assembly ’s had more response ...
In a rare move, The Assembly, which aired as a one-off on the BBC last year featuring Michael Sheen and a wealth of viral moments, has been snapped up by ITV for a four-part series version.
The Assembly received critical acclaim when its 30-minute pilot aired, with Sheen telling The Guardian: “The Assembly’s had more response than anything I’ve ever done.” Rockerdale Studios ...
ITV has commissioned Rockerdale Studios to produce a major new entertainment series, The Assembly for ITV1, ITVX, STV and STV Player. The 4 x 30’ series will see celebrities being questioned by a ...
In a rare move, The Assembly, which aired as a one-off on the BBC last year featuring Michael Sheen and a wealth of viral moments, has been snapped up by ITV for a four-part series version. More from ...