The agency postponed a planned NOSB meeting, saying it needs more time to get Secretary Brooke Rollins up to speed on the ...
Earthjustice filed a lawsuit with USDA challenging the Department’s alleged illegal purging of pertinent data that organic ...
In April, 40 former members of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB)—the federal advisory board established to provide recommendations to the USDA regarding organic production—sent a letter to ...
By a decisive vote in 2010, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Organic Standards Board determined that hydroponic and aquaponic operations are inconsistent with OFPA and do not ...
Finally recognizing the importance of animal welfare, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB)—which advises the USDA in setting standards—is now in the process of recommending welfare-specific ...
and is a member of the private-sector National Organic Standards Board that works closely with USDA on such policy issues. Spontaneous genetic outcrossing of engineered crop plants, such as canola ...