People around the world are facing devastating consequences as the land that supports livelihoods, helps to regulate climate ...
Three billion people around the world are suffering the impact of poor and degraded land which will “increase levels of ...
Countries negotiating a legally binding instrument on plastic pollution concluded their fifth session in the small hours of ...
Ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 is within reach, but only if global leaders commit to dismantling barriers to ...
A sharp escalation in fighting in Syria’s Aleppo Governorate has displaced thousands and caused heavy civilian casualties, ...
塑料污染仍然是一个重大的全球性挑战。每天,相当于 2000 辆装满塑料的垃圾车被倾倒进世界的海洋、河流和湖泊,对野生动物和人类健康构成严重威胁。在食物、水、土壤甚至人体器官和新生儿胎盘中都发现了微塑料。
Fatores que ditam tipo de servidão incluem pobreza, discriminação e conflito; secretário-geral pede aos governos que reforcem ...
Les pays qui négocient un instrument international juridiquement contraignant sur la pollution plastique, y compris dans le ...
Grupo de alunos de Petrolina viajou até Portugal para receber distinção; integrantes produziram curta-metragem sobre ...
L’Envoyé spécial de l’ONU pour la Syrie, Geir O. Pedersen, a déclaré dimanche surveiller de près la situation sur le terrain, ...
De Genebra, Margarida da Silva Izata fala de capacidade delas para ocupar postos nessas áreas; diplomata comenta operação ...
أعلن المفوض العام لوكالة الأمم المتحدة لإغاثة وتشغيل لاجئي فلسطين تعليق إيصال المساعدات عبر معبر كرم أبو سالم، الذي يعد ...