Popular author and preacher Francis Chan was recently questioned by fellow pastors who are trying to get their heads around Chan's decision to leave his megachurch. "I'll be honest. Everybody thinks ...
Gunshots were heard in a church in Florida on Tuesday after an altercation involving the church pastor and an employee. Pastor Terry Howell of Living Water Fellowship in Osceola reportedly critically ...
World renowned worship leader Darlene Zschech has announced her move with husband Mark Zschech to take up position of Senior Pastors at Church Unlimited, Central Coast NSW, officially starting in late ...
The Manhattan megachurch pastor's message offered a practical example of how to preach Jesus and the gospel using the Old Testament – the theme for this year's Gospel Coalition national conference.
Photos of the OC Fisher Reservoir in San Angelo State Park that began circulating fishing forums last week have conjured up apocalyptic images, with one preacher from Indiana saying the lake is ...
This pastor, apologist and writer had a profound impact on evangelicalism in the second half of the twentieth century, and his impact is still very much felt today. Although he has been dead now for a ...
Did Australian billionaire James Packer really give Miranda Kerr diamond earrings worth $100,000? The two were earlier reported to be dating, as they were seen cruising on the billionaire's yacht off ...
He and his wife, Joni, who are founders of Daystar Television Network, made the announcement during the "Celebration" TV program. The couple decided to tell the public about the affair after three ...
|PIC1|History may be in the making. It appears Rome is on the brink of welcoming close to half a million members of the Traditional Anglican Communion into membership of the Roman Catholic Church, ...
In the Book of Genesis, God makes a promise with Noah to never again flood the earth. As a sign of that vow, God creates a rainbow, explaining in chapter nine, verse 13 (NIV): "I have set my rainbow ...
It is no wonder that many prayers are ineffective and left unanswered when the subject matter is limited to a list of to do's and selfish desires, he explained. "James 4 says a lot of times you'll ask ...
Yesterday Councillor Sam Iskandar, Mayor of Marrickville, joined Caritas Australia's Mrs Patricia Bourke, Bishop Terry Brady and friends of Marrickville's Casimir Catholic College, as students pledged ...