In a pair of columns recently, Probing pointers and Probing Pointers: Take 2, I discussed some of the issues that arise in using scope probes as frequencies increase. Alas, too few engineers do a real ...
In my July column I suggested a few projects that kids can undertake to learn more about the exciting field of embedded systems.1 A lot of you responded. One engineer wrote: “Apart from the ...
Ken Beck makes a startling claim on page 23 of eXtreme Programming Explained. He says that it is or at least can be very cheap to change software, even in big systems that have been deployed for years ...
Eye-implant technology is fighting a tough battle in the human body. Germs, infections, caustic body fluids, nerve degeneration, toxic reactions to chip-generated heat and the conflicting needs for ...
Capers Jones’ “Software Quality in 2011: A Survey of the State of the Art ” is chock full of interesting data. One can only despair at some of it. Like most researchers, Mr. Jones prefers to use ...
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Controlling a motor without sensors sounds hard, but it can be done. One approach is to run a sympathetic software model of the system. Last month, I wrote about sensor-less motion control as it ...
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: design and build a pair of satellites to measure the effects of atmospheric lightning, on a shoestring budget of $120,000 ...
Navitas recently unveiled its 4.5kW data center power supply, boasting an exceptional power density of 138 W/in³ and an efficiency exceeding 97%, making it a leader in the global market.
In 1989 Tyler Sperry, then editor of the print publication Embedded Systems Programming, asked me to write a monthly column for the magazine. That morphed into Embedded Systems Design which in turn ...
“Basic C programming,” is an online Wikibooks resource. It is a good step up from another Wikibooks resource: “A little C primer.” It is a complete online text book that takes comprehensive look at ...
My biggest source of non-spam email comes from people asking how they, too, can become an embedded systems developer. So many, in fact, that I wrote an article about ...