The Fifth China-Central Asia Foreign Ministers' Meeting, held on Sunday in southwestern Chinese city of Chengdu, saw extensive discussions among the foreign ministers on comprehensively advancing ...
The way the dinosaurs relinquished their long dominance is well known. An asteroid struck Earth 66 million years ...
The U.S.         decision to allow Ukraine to fire American weapons deeper into         Russia has not increased the risk of a nuclear attack, which is         unlikely, despite Russian President ...
China's top legislator Zhao Leji expressed China's commitment to advancing China-Spain relations and fostering a relationship that supports the steady, long-term growth of China-Europe ties, during ...
Lebanon's Hezbollah         movement fired heavy rocket barrages at Israel on Sunday, with         Israeli media reporting that a building had been hit near Tel         Aviv, after a powerful Israeli ...
Ukraine fired a volley of British Storm Shadow cruise missiles into Russia on Wednesday, the latest new Western weapo ...
A unified voice calling for bolder actions to decarbonize the maritime transport and ensure a green transition has been heard in the World Maritime Merchants Forum 2024, which officially concluded on ...
台灣的賴清德出訪南太平洋三個邦交國, 過境美國夏威夷期間, 同美國眾議院前議長佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)通電話, 台灣當局說, 兩人通話20分鐘, 就半導體、 人工智能和大陸對台軍事威脅等議題, 交換意見.         佩洛西說, 在印太地區如果沒有台灣, 對地區安全、 甚至全球經濟, 都會帶來難以想像的後果, 又說支持台灣參與國際組織. 佩洛西在2022年8月曾經訪台, 之後解放軍環 ...
At least 25 people were killed in northwestern Syria in air strikes carried out by the Syrian government and Russia, the Syrian opposition-run rescue service known as the White Helmets said early on M ...
運輸及物流局表示, 港鐵南港島綫西段將會以綠色集體運輸系統, 替代原有的重型鐵路方案, 初步走線全長約7.5公里, 連接黃竹坑站和香港大學站, 並途經香港仔、 華富、 數碼港及薄扶林一帶, 當局目標是明年開展詳細規劃及設計, 最快2027年開展前期建造工程.         運輸及物流局向立法會提交的文件指, 南港島綫西段通車後, 預計由黃竹坑到香港大學的車程時間約為20分鐘, 南港島綫西段, 將 ...
運輸及物流局表示, 北環綫主綫項目建造工程預計明年展開, 目標2034年完工, 當局正爭取今年内, 與深圳當局就支綫的推展安排達成共識, 由港鐵在明年初展開詳細規劃及設計 ...
香港快運即日起, 改用全新的行李尺寸量度架, 以便乘客輕易地放入及取出手提行李.         公司指, 經過仔細的審視和檢討後, 推出新的量度架, 讓乘客將行李橫向放取, 期望措施有助提升機場櫃位及登記閘口的效率, 節省乘客排隊等候的時間.         香港快運今年5月更改行李政策, 行李的尺寸及重量因應票價有不同限制, 早前有不同的乘客表示, 即使行李符合指定尺寸, 亦都無法放入香港快運 ...