Dean of the nation's political analysts, Michael Barone, sat down with The Wall Street Journal to discuss the 2024 election.
Though they keep losing Latino voters like Cubans and Venezuelans, Democrats thought Puerto Ricans were the one bloc that ...
The election misread began with the “joy” narrative, and extended to fascism, abortion and beyond. What the pundits ignored?
A Democratic Leadership Council reboot is both unnecessary and counter-productive for today’s Democratic Party.
Democrats should repeal the Comstock Act, an 1873 law that conservatives want to use to prohibit any shipment of the drugs ...
Like many of their predecessors, these four freshmen say they’re here to shake up the status quo. With expectations from city ...
This week's letters present views on Donald Trump and the economy; Shad Khan's new megayacht; the ongoing Laura Street Trio ...
If Biden had dropped out earlier instead of desperately trying to keep his job, maybe we wouldn’t now be watching the Trump restoration ...
Moderation on pot and other vices appears to have been part of a calculated effort to turn out young men for the G.O.P. — but ...
Rep. Nadine Nakamura is the first woman to be Speaker of the House in Hawaii. Women have long held top leadership positions ...
President Joe Biden promised to devote 40 percent of money dedicated to cutting pollution to poor, often non-White areas. The ...
If you had a Hall of Fame vote, who from the class of 2025 would get in? We analyze the results of our reader survey and ...