Where did the Nazi salute come from? | All About History
Feb 27, 2015 · The first time the salute can be seen is in the Jacques-Louis David painting Oath of the Horatii created in 1784. However, it wasn’t the Nazis who adopted this salute first, but …
nazi germany - Was there a reason Hitler saluted differently to ...
So the original Nazi salute may have resembled the Roman salute more closely, but that the SS modified it with "a soldierly style", a crisp yet tiring gesture to hold. Most Germans only had to …
How did wehrmacht soldiers salute their superiors during WW2?
Jan 23, 2017 · The SS, as near as I can tell, kept with the 'hitler salute' from start to finish. The Wehrmact, particular the Heer (Army) were a little less willing to go along with this, and the …
What do you think of the Nazi salute being banned?
May 13, 2024 · People need to be able to express Nazi ideas so that they can be stomped on (metaphorically, as long as they themselves stay peaceful and law abiding). There need to be …
Student Gives Nazi Salute : r/Teachers - Reddit
The principal does announcements and has students recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Fifth grade students line up near the school office and younger students are on the other side of the yard. …
While today the open down facing palm with a straightened arm
Sep 3, 2021 · The 'Nazi Salute' was chosen because it was the 'Fascist Salute' already popularized by the Italian Fascist Party under Mussolini. Other Fascist aligned movements, …
Nazi salute in front of German police : r/interestingasfuck - Reddit
May 7, 2024 · The ban on nazi symbols are nit part of these set of regulations. You are correct in the matter, in the Wunsiedel decision, the court basically says that the ideals of the Nazis are …
Why Hitler didn’t do the whole fascist salute? : r/AskHistorians
Oct 19, 2021 · The Nazi Salute, or Sieg Hail Salute, was used as a greeting in Nazi Germany, it was introduced by the Nazi's to Germany during the 1930's and its purpose was meant to …
From a Chinese: Is Nazi salute unacceptable for any reason in
As a chinese you couldn't have known but the nazi salute and other nazi symbolism are handled VERY seriously in germany and you can be persecuted for it. There are exceptions, you could …
[Hetalia Fandom] The Anime Boston Incident, AKA That One Time …
Oct 27, 2020 · Photoshoot organizers at conventions began making it clear right out to the gate that there was to be no Nazi imagery or posing of any kind, though assholes did occasionally …