OCIA (formerly RCIA) | Holy Family Parish | San Jose, CA
O.C.I.A. or the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process that one enters when interested in learning about the faith and joining the Roman Catholic Church. Who is the OCIA process for? Those who are not been baptized; Those who want to know more about the teachings of the Catholic Church Anyone who is seven (7) years or older
Adult Confirmation for the Spring/Summer Session | Holy Family …
If you are a Baptized Catholic and already received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, but who never received the Sacrament of Confirmation when you were younger, our in-person classes will be offered this spring/summer.
Masses as of 1/6/24 | Holy Family Parish | San Jose, CA
Jan 6, 2024 · All Masses are inside the church. Please note: our evening Mass times have changed. Saturday and Sunday will be at 5pm (instead of 5:30 and 6pm respectively) At the same time, Confession will change to 3:30-4:30pm on Saturdays.
Faith Formation | Holy Family Parish | San Jose, CA
A formal process of learning about the teachings of the Catholic Church and developing a personal understanding of Jesus. Students are taught in age appropriate classes and learn with their peers. Offered from Pre-K to 5th Grade.
Confirmation | Holy Family Parish | San Jose, CA
For "by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed."
Liturgy | Holy Family Parish | San Jose, CA
As you begin to consider, or renew your interest in liturgical ministry at Holy Family, we thank you for your "YES!" to God, and your prayerful discernment during this process. Our Masses are made ever more beautiful by the full active participation of all the faithful.
Why Catholic? | Holy Family Parish | San Jose, CA
We belong to the Church in order to become holy, to share the life of Jesus through the sacraments. When we think about these four ways to describe the Church, perhaps it’s a bit easier to say “We are the Church.” As it celebrates the sacraments, the Church makes Christ visible to the world.
Bible and Scripture Studies | Holy Family Parish | San Jose, CA
The Monday morning at 10:30am is in person in the Faith Room of the Parish Office. Bible Study leader - Donna Holt ( [email protected] ) and Alicia Morales ( [email protected] ) Topic: Prophets: Messengers of God Mercy
Staff | Holy Family Parish | San Jose, CA
Parish Staff. Advisory Councils; Sacraments; Facilities Use Policies and Forms; Contact Us
School Fundraiser @Fish Grill | Holy Family Parish | San Jose, CA
Holy Family Parish, San Jose, is a welcoming, Christ-centered community, called to live the Gospel, celebrate the Sacraments, hand on the Catholic tradition, and take part in building up the Body of Christ.